Making the Most of My Moments
Posted on: February 6, 2014, by : Jeremy A WalkerAll alliteration aside, I have been focusing myself on being fully invested in every moment in my day. I have tried to do this in a couple of different ways. First, I have attempted to plan my time on any given project, in an effort to fully invest myself, while maintaining short, attainable goals. For instance:
Pray over Sunday Service: 15 minutes
Gather Song Possibilities: 30 minutes
Formulate Order and Keys: 25 minutes
Play Through Selections to insure fit: 20 minutes
This is only one example of time management, but it doesn’t address the underlying theme of making the most of my moments. That being said, I have attempted to add a human component to my day, that otherwise has never been there. I have attempted to allow the people to which I come in contact, the opportunity to speak twice as much as I speak, as well as, making sure that I take a moment or two to consider their statement before I reply. My hope is that I will become a better listener, and engage people more effectively.
Pray for me as I try to keep this going. I love to plan and I love people, but doing this is exhausting. I only hope that after a while, I will become more natural at this process.