As I think about what it means to be grateful, I am reminded of how much I look past what I have, and tend to dwell on the things that are yet to come. If I only see what might be, I may miss a great blessing that is only available today.I am committing myself […]
Month: November 2013
There is a hymn that, to my knowledge, I have never sung, but is entitled Thanksgiving/Thanks-living. It has caught my attention on many occasions because of the quirky nature of the title. I have red through the lyrics a couple of times, and am impressed by the last line of each verse. “All the words […]
While I was feeding my son this morning, I had to heat a little more formula (because he’s a growing boy…wonder where he gets that). In the mean time, my son started to suck on his hand. When the formula was ready, I had a hard time getting him to move his hand and start […]
Different Media, Same Message.
Media being what it is today, it would be easy to miss this. I’m glad that I was directed to this video by a good friend. I pray that you are excited and inspired by it, and that you are able to see that the precepts of Checklist Jesus are not centered around me, but […]