
Posted on: February 1, 2011, by :

In such a stark contrast as my mind can imagine, the earth has turned white. Silvery white blankets cover the old and prepare for the new…we must not be afraid of one thing passing to another, nor the movement of people in and out of our lives. Ends make way for beginnings…

For a long time I have believed the lie that when life moves and our relationships are changed that those we lose are gone forever and that these losses are something to be mourned.  Thought the loss of a relationship may be worth grieving, it is not worth missing out on a new person who enters your life.  Change is going to happen and lives will never be the same.  But to miss out on people along our path would be the loss worth mourning. 

Affect those with whom you live, work, and play until you or they or both have gone…Then open your eyes to whomever might be standing right in front of you.  Life is to be lived each day for the sake of eternity, because he Kingdom of God is at hand…