Home is Where the Heart Rests.
Posted on: September 27, 2010, by : Jeremy A WalkerIf home is truly where the heart finds its rest, what must we believe about the restless heart that beats inside of us? Our being begs to be somewhere else, and our heart beats fast within us at the proposition of flight. We beg to be somewhere, anywhere else; only to find that this earthly relocation does not satisfy…
As the old song tells, this world is truly not our home, and we are simply passing through. Our restless hearts beat for our home that is beyond the shore, beyond everything here, beyond pain and death, and beyond the vale. We, as believers, long to be in the presence of the father. Our souls have tasted the fruit of the gospel and have been invited to the marriage supper of the lamb. Just as it is with our earthly engagements, we are anxious that tomorrow will find us, and find us ready. Our souls attempt to overtake us, and cause us to boast in our frailty and weakness.
May our longing to find rest for our souls be the spark that ignites other’s hearts as well, and may we know the joy of extending the invitation of grace and mercy to everyone we meet.