Tag: Love

My Son May Some Day Hate Me…

The other day, I was feeding my son his 6am bottle and the thought struck me that parents do a great deal for children that the child is completely unaware of.  In fact, children often overlook parents who are doing their job well, because their needs are met.  Nevertheless, through the course of life, most […]

Teaching on Sin Tonight

Tonight I will be teaching about the destructive power of sin in the live of every person, both those who have been saved by grace and those who are yet without the salvation that is provided by the Son Jesus Christ.  I have been teaching the past 6 months or so about Love, and the […]


While I was feeding my son this morning, I had to heat a little more formula (because he’s a growing boy…wonder where he gets that).  In the mean time, my son started to suck on his hand.  When the formula was ready, I had a hard time getting him to move his hand and start […]

Different Media, Same Message.

Media being what it is today, it would be easy to miss this.  I’m glad that I was directed to this video by a good friend.  I pray that you are excited and inspired by it, and that you are able to see that the precepts of Checklist Jesus are not centered around me, but […]

The Message is What Matters

Sitting at Starbucks trying to figure out how to sell a book that hardly anyone knows about, I was getting pretty discouraged.  I was on the phone with a few people that I know, trying to get someone to agree to allow me to do an event at their church that would provide me the […]

Checklist Jesus

As many of you know, I have been working on a book entitled Checklist Jesus. It has been a 2 year journey toward my Lord Jesus Christ, and has been the most fulfilling ministry endeavour of my life. I am pleased to say that the project is finished and that the book will be available […]

The Gathering

Tonight I’m talking through a passage that displays how the Lord Jesus surrounded himself with people he cared for, right before he encountered the cross.  It is interesting to me that we tend to face trials of many kinds by secluding ourselves completely.  However, hours before Jesus hung on the cross for our sins, he […]